Maris Rose
Parent Coach & Preschool Teacher
Now accepting new clients for
Private Parent Coaching
Maris' Tree House
A Playful Nature & Arts Program
For Young Children
(September 2024 through early June 2025)
The stunning and serene grounds of the All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne is the setting for our delightful, gently paced classes. The rolling meadows and peaceful woodlands welcome us to play and hike, to share picnics and stories beneath the trees, to go sledding and make snow angels, to watch for signs of our animal friends, to explore, study and celebrate nature and the seasons. Our light and spacious classroom is designed for engaging and varied indoor activities: art and craft projects, music and drama, imaginative play with simple toys, story telling, baking & cooking, and on it goes. We emphasize kindness and gentle care toward ourselves, the earth, our families, one another and the community. The small class size of six children supports individual care and attention and ensures ample supervision.
Monday Mornings for 3 yr olds 8:30-12:00
For children who are 3 years old by September 1st 2025
Tuesday Mornings for 3 yr olds 8:30-12:00
For children who are 3 years old by September 1st 2025
Wednesday Mornings for 4 yr olds 8:30-12:00 (Full)
For children who are 3 years old by September 1st 2025
Thursday Mornings for 4 yr olds 8:30-12:00
For children who are 4 years old by September 1st 2025
Friday Mornings for 4 yr olds 8:30-12:00 (Full)
For children who are 4 years old by September 1st 2025
Classes are scheduled mid September through early June.
Please note – Tuition often qualifies as a childcare expense.
For more information about these school-year classes or summer camps please contact Maris Rose at marisparentcoach@gmail.com
Read about a spring day here:
Dear Parents,
What a delightful morning! Your children are grand adventurers!
First thing we played with blocks, kitchen, playdoh, and then gathered for a sweet circle time. We were happily interrupted a number of times by the phoebe birds who have a funny whistle call! We simply had to go to the low open window near our circle area to look and listen. Well there was nothing for it but get ready and go outside together to see what we could see.
Squirrels, birds, and (especially fun) worms! We headed out to the forest kitchen, digging spoons in hand. We noticed chipmunk holes and decided they probably live beneath the mossy knoll. We looked under stumps to discover many wiggly worms. Almost everyone picked them up, felt their wiggles and giggled! Some friends made little dirt/mud homes for them. We learned that worms really need dirt and mud, not sunshine.
Some friends remembered visiting the meadow so after a bit we headed out to the meadow and climbed the hill. We hiked to the climbing trees to play, noticed buds on the apple trees, and acted out The Three Little Pigs. There are three large trees - one for the straw/grass, one for sticks and one for bricks. Then, hi ho we went back to the forest to play.
Indoors we painted flower pots (made of clay from the earth) for our moms. Shhh, it's a surprise. We had stories and more playtime. Our favorite story was What Are Friends For? about Jefferson Bear and a little fox named Figgy Two Socks.
Your children were kind and playful with one another and very good listeners. We are off to a lovely start! Thank you, thank you for sharing your dear children.
With Joy!